black-figure - definizione. Che cos'è black-figure
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Cosa (chi) è black-figure - definizione

Black figure; Black-figure; Black figure style; Black-figure style; Black figure pottery; Black-figure vase painting; Black figured vase; Black-Figure; Middle Corinthian; Late Corinthian
  • Ajax]] engaged in a board game, c.540-530 BC, [[Vatican Museums]], [[Vatican City]].
  • Black-figure, white-background [[lekythos]] by the Diosphos Painter showing [[Achilles]] in a chariot dragging the corpse of [[Hector]] behind him, ca. 490 BC, found in [[Eretria]], now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Competition painted on a Panathenaic prize amphora, attributed to the Berlin Painter, c. 480/470 BC, found in Nola, now in the Berlin Collection of Classical Antiquities, Altes Museum
  • Olive harvest shown on a neck amphora by the Antimenes Painter, c. 520 BC, from Vulci, now in the British Museum London
  • Scene from a black-figure amphora from Athens, 6th century BCE, now in the [[Louvre]], Paris
  •  Wrestling match between [[Peleus]] and [[Atalanta]] during the funeral games for King [[Pelias]], hydria by the Inscription Painter, c. 550 BC, now in the Munich State Collections of Antiquities
  • Lysippides Painter]], c. 520/510 BC, from Vulci, now in the Munich State Collection of Antiquities
  • [[Heracles]] and Athena, black-figure side of a belly amphora by the Andokides Painter, c. 520/510 BC, from Vulci, now in the Munich State Collection of Antiquities
  • [[Athena]] wearing the aegis, Attic black-figured hydria by the potter [[Pamphaios]] (signed) and the [[Euphiletos Painter]], c. 540 BCE. Found in Tuscania, now in the [[Cabinet des Médailles]], BNF, Paris
  • Ship on the inside of a cup of the Leagros Group. c. 520 BC, from [[Cerveteri]], now in the [[Cabinet des Médailles]] de la [[Bibliothèque Nationale de France]]
  • The Calydonia boar hunt is possibly shown in the upper frieze of this Tyrrhenian amphora, which is attributed to the Timiades Painter or the Tyrrhenian Group, 560 BC, from southern Etruria, now in the Berlin Collection of Classical Antiquities, Altes Museum
  • "Bird-catcher bowl", Ionic cup, ca. 550 BC
  • Name vase (a [[dinos]]) by the [[Gorgon Painter]]. Perseus pursued by [[gorgons]], ca. 580 BC, Louvre, Paris
  • Dionysus and two [[maenads]], one holding a hare, neck amphora, ca. 550/530 BC, from Vulci, now Cabinet des Médailles de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. The female maenads are shown here only in outline, without opaque white to characterize them as women.
  • [[Diomedes]] and [[Polyxena]], Pontic amphora by the Silenus Painter, c. 540/530 BC, found in Vulci, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Cup with a coral red background by Exekias. [[Dionysus]] reclines on a ship which sprouts grapevines and is surrounded by dolphins, c. 530 BC. [[Dionysus cup]]: [[Staatliche Antikensammlungen]], [[Munich]]
  • Ajax]] prepares for his suicide; Exekias [[Suicide of Ajax Vase]], c. 530/525 BC
  • Remnant of a votive tablet with the leader of the funeral procession facing the viewer. Ca. 540/530 BC
  • Munich State Collection of Antiquities]].
  •  Heracles, [[Cerberus]] and [[Eurystheus]] on a hydria by the Eagle Painter, c. 525 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Hercules drives [[Cerberus]] ahead of him. The beast turns one of its heads back in a threatening manner and raises its snake tail. Faultily fired Attic neck amphora by the [[Bucci Painter]], c. 540 BC, found in Vulci, now in the Munich State Collection of Antiquities
  • Herakles with Pholos and other [[centaurs]] on a skyphos by the Pholoe Painter,ca. 580 BC, found in Corinth, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Heracles kills the [[Nemean Lion]], front side of a pseudo-Chalcidian neck amphora by the Polyphemus Group, c. 560/540 BC, found in Reggio di Calabria, now in the Louvre, Paris.
  • Belly amphora of the Northampton Group, the liberation of Io (in the form of a cow) by [[Hermes]], who rushes to the scene, c. 540/530 BC, found in Italy, now in the Munich State Collection of Antiquities
  • Group E]], ca. 550 BC, from Vulci, now in the Louvre, Paris
  •  Etruscan black-figure [[hydria]]
  • [[Cadmus]] and the dragon on a belly amphora, c. 560/550 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris
  •  Head end of a sarcophagus from Klazomenai depicting a homoerotic scene with young noblemen, c. 515/510 BC, now in the Berlin Collection of Classical Antiquities, Altes Museum.
  • [[Komos]] scene on a komast cup by the [[KY Painter]], ca. 570 BC, Louvre, Paris
  • Komos scene on a lekythos, c. 550 BC, found in Boeotia, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Theseus kills the [[Minotaur]], tondo inside a lip cup by an unknown painter. Ca. 550/540 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Hydra]] of Lerna on a hydria by the Eagle Painter, c. 525 BC, now in the Getty Villa, Malibu, California
  • [[François vase]], c. 570 BC, [[Archaeological Museum of Florence]]
  • Name vase by the Nessos Painter. The scene on the neck shows Heracles stabbing [[Nessos]]. The scene on the belly shows events associated with [[Perseus]]. C. 620/610 BC, now in the Athens National Archaeological Museum
  • Athena on a lekythos by the Beldam Painter, c. 480 BC, found in Vari, now in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens
  • Reggio di Calabria]], now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Fighting amazons on a Nikosthenes amphora by the potter Nikosthenes and Painter N, c. 520/510 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • [[Oenochoe]] with animal frieze, ca. 625/600 BC, now in the Musée d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne de la Vieille Charité in Marseille, France
  • olpe]] by an associate of the [[Hippolyte Painter]], ca. 575/550 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Burgon amphora]]), Athena in arms with an inscription, 566/565 BC, British Museum, London
  •  Athena on a prize amphora with the inscription "''Archippos, archon''" (321/320 BC) found in [[Benghazi]], now in the Louvre, Paris
  • The abduction of Thetis. Peleus forces access to the burning altar where Nereids dance, overlap frieze on a Siana cup by the C Painter, c. 560 BC, Munich State Collection of Antiquities
  • Depiction of a pottery kiln on a Corinthian [[pinax]], c. 575/550 BC, found in Penteskouphia; now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Horseman with a scrolling tendril growing from his head, under the feet of the horse the separated second segment, cup tondo of a name vase by the [[Rider Painter]], c. 550/530 BC, now in the British Museum
  • Boxers on a double-decker [[Siana cup]], in the style of the [[Heidelberg Painter]], c. 575-550 BC, Louvre, Paris
  • Signature of [[Exekias]] (''ΕΧΣΕΚΙΑΣ ΕΠΟΕΣΕ'' – "Exekias made it") on the foot of the Dionysus cup
  • Signature of [[Sophilos]]: Sophilos megraphsen ("Sophilos painted me")
  • The helm; Attic black-figure pottery
  • Arcesilaos Painter]] c. 565/560 BC, found in Vulci, now in the Cabinet des médailles de la Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris
  • aryballoi]] in the Louvre, Paris
  • [[Tydeus]] and [[Ismene]] on an amphora by the [[Tydeus Painter]], ca. 560 BC; now in the Louvre, Paris
  • [[Judgment of Paris]] on a skyphos of the Kabeiric Group (Vine Tendril Group), mid 4th century BC, now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • Departing warriors shown on a belly [[amphora]] by the [[Affecter]], c. 540/530 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris
  • Heracles and [[Ares]] fight over the corpse of Cycnus, in the lower register an animal frieze, signed by the potter Kolchos, attributed to the painter [[Lydos]], Attic wine jug, c. 560 BC, found in Vulci, now in the Berlin Collection of Classical Antiquities, Altes Museum
  • Zeus with an eagle, cup tondo by the [[Naucratis Painter]], c. 560 BC, now in the Louvre, Paris

¦ noun a type of ancient Greek pottery in which figures are painted in black, details being added by incising through to the red clay background. Compare with red-figure.
Model figure         
  • Display cases featuring typical Japanese anime and manga figurines
Model figures; Chase figure; Toy figurine; Anime figurine; Anime figure; Manga figure; Manga figurine; Collectible figurine
A model figure is a scale model representing a human, monster or other creature. Human figures may be either a generic figure of a type (such as "World War II Luftwaffe pilot"), a historical personage (such as "King Henry VIII"), or a fictional character (such as "Conan").
Figure imposée         
Figure imposee
Figure imposée (Compulsory routine) is the fifth album by French rocker Alain Bashung, issued in 1983 on Philips Records.


Black-figure pottery

Black-figure pottery painting, also known as the black-figure style or black-figure ceramic (Ancient Greek: μελανόμορφα, romanized: melanómorpha), is one of the styles of painting on antique Greek vases. It was especially common between the 7th and 5th centuries BCE, although there are specimens dating as late as the 2nd century BCE. Stylistically it can be distinguished from the preceding orientalizing period and the subsequent red-figure pottery style.

Figures and ornaments were painted on the body of the vessel using shapes and colors reminiscent of silhouettes. Delicate contours were incised into the paint before firing, and details could be reinforced and highlighted with opaque colors, usually white and red. The principal centers for this style were initially the commercial hub Corinth, and later Athens. Other important production sites are known to have been in Laconia, Boeotia, eastern Greece, and Italy. Particularly in Italy individual styles developed which were at least in part intended for the Etruscan market. Greek black-figure vases were very popular with the Etruscans, as is evident from frequent imports. Greek artists created customized goods for the Etruscan market which differed in form and decor from their normal products. The Etruscans also developed their own black-figure ceramic industry oriented on Greek models.

Black-figure painting on vases was the first art style to give rise to a significant number of identifiable artists. Some are known by their true names, others only by the pragmatic names they were given in the scientific literature. Attica especially was the home of well-known artists. Some potters introduced a variety of innovations which frequently influenced the work of the painters; sometimes it was the painters who inspired the potters’ originality. Red- as well as black-figure vases are some of the most important sources of mythology and iconography, and sometimes also for researching day-to-day ancient Greek life. Since the 19th century CE at the latest, these vases have been the subject of intensive investigation.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per black-figure
1. Yuval placed his cross in the middle of a thin, black figure.
2. For Obama, distancing himself from a controversial black figure such as Jackson may help him among white voters.
3. "She was wearing a black, figure–hugging dress and looked really, really young and shy," said Lianne.
4. Mr Haisley, a tall black figure conspicuous in the white crowd descending from the tram, considers his and his companions‘ prospects.
5. Only when I ask do I learn that it is a black figure waving against a background of grass and sky.